Friday, December 22, 2017

Keeper of the Lost Cities (Books 1-6) by Shannon Messenger

Image result for keeper of the lost cities series

Recommended for fans of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

With over 2,000 books in my classroom library, I consider myself to stay pretty current on middle grade titles.  I am always on social media and in book stores looking for books to add to my collection and/or books with specific students in mind.  I read a minimum of five books a week.  I KNOW BOOKS!  With that being said, I am not sure how this series was not known to me until a few months ago.

While conferring with one of my students, he asked me if I had ever read Keeper of the Lost Cities.  I told him that I had never read or even heard of it.  He assured me that it is a GREAT book, we finished our conference, and I continued on with my day.  Later in the afternoon on the same day, a former student who is now in middle school stopped by to visit me.  During our conversation, she mentioned a series that she was reading that she thought I would really enjoy.  Can you guess what that series was???  Keeper of the Lost Cities!  With it being mentioned to me two times in the same day, I knew I had to read it.  I immediately ordered the first book, read it, and ordered the rest of the series.

Now that I have finished the first six books, I feel compelled to tell everyone I know about this series (including our school librarian who had also not heard of it).  Shannon Messenger has created a world of elves, goblins, trolls, and almost every other magical creature of which you can think.  With a plot that dips, curves, loops, and never fails to surprise, readers are taken on an adventure of epic proportions.  The cast of  characters is large; however, they are all written with depth, humor, and courage. 

The only complaint I have is that Ms. Messenger seems to end each book with a cliffhanger that is literally a CLIFFHANGER.  Some of us can't deal with that kind of stress!

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