Friday, July 1, 2016

A Handful of Stars by Cynthia Lord

Recommended for students who are dealing with loss, relocation, changing friendships,
Recommended for students who are interested in dogs, gardening, and beekeeping.

Connections to Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan, Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan, and Amelia's Road by Linda Jacobs Altman.

A Handful of Stars tells the story of Lily (aka Tigerlily) who lives with her grandparents above their store in Maine.  Lily's relationship with her best friend, Hannah, is at a crossroads, and Lily meets a new friend in kindred spirit, Salma, the daughter of migrant workers.  While trying to traverse these two relationships, Lily is also dealing with her dog's health problems.

As I was reading this book, Salma reminded me so much of Amelia from Amelia's Road.  Both girls' families are migrant workers, and they both want so deperately to have a home and to feel that they belong somewhere.

I have read many novels that revolve around the lives of migrant workers; however, this one was a bit different due to the locale.  Most books that I have read take place in either California or Florida.  A Handful of Stars takes place in Maine during blueberry season.  I found the information about farming blueberries very interesting.

On a side note, since I have a huge interest in beekeeping, I was fascinated by the Mason bees that were mentioned in this book. I will be researching them more in the future.

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